Grace Academy - Biblically Based Education for Life
We focus primarily on grades 6-8 but have on-site instruction
for high school as well. We also offer a home-school covering.
We focus primarily on grades 6-8 but have on-site instruction
for high school as well. We also offer a home-school covering.
Grace Academy is a Christian school that is PERSONAL, FLEXIBLE, AND AFFORDABLE.
Students work at their own level of academic achievement in each subject.
To accomplish our academic goals, we utilize small classes, individualized curriculum, computer instruction, and personal tutoring. We offer a flexible schedule of instruction for two, three, or four days a week.
Tuition ranges from $200-$300/month
for grades 6-8 according to the number
of days of instruction each week.
High school tuition is $325/month.
Our primary focus is to help students in grades 6-8 be prepared to handle the challenges of life. The values students embrace during their time in middle school will lay the foundation for their years
in high school and entire adult life.
We also offer high school instruction.
We have a Biblical perspective in our approach to academic subjects.
We believe a Biblical worldview
is essential to successfully navigating
the challenges of our culture.
We utilize staff, volunteers, and other resources to ensure quality academics and individual instruction. We limit our total school enrollment to 15 students. The staff works closely with the parents for the benefit of each child. We accommodate different learning needs and are flexible enough for both advanced and academically challenged students.
Our approach is helpful to students with
ADHD, mild learning challenges,
or those who struggle in math or English.
We want learning at Grace Academy to be a blessing. We endeavor to train the students in the school to be leaders who are servants, self-disciplined, responsible, and have personal integrity. We teach them to be kind to each other and learn how to resolve conflicts in a healthy way. We do not allow bullying or embrace some of the current social trends of our culture. We give students guidance on how to show love and respect to each other from a Biblical perspective.
The purpose of a school dress code is to relieve students of the peer pressure associated with clothing and appearance. We want our students to look nice but not be consumed with fashion trends. Appearance is not an indication of a person’s worth, so we minimize its importance. We have found uniforms to be very helpful for students. Some students have stated they felt it was beneficial to have a dress code.
The monthly tuition rate $325/student for high school.
For grades 6-8, tuition is $200/month for two days of instruction, $250/month for three days, and $300/month for four days. There are twelve monthly payments.
They begin in June 2025 and go through May 2026. Students who enroll after June 30th will have a higher monthly tuition rate. There is no extra fee for enrollment.
The cost for textbooks and supplies is about $300/year.
First Day of School - Aug. 20th
Labor Day - Sep. 1st
Fall Break - Oct. 10th - 19th
Thanksgiving - Nov. 27th
Christmas Break - Dec. 19th - Jan. 4th
President's Day - Feb. 16th
Spring Break - Mar. 13th - 22nd
Last Day of Instruction - May 20th
Awards and Graduation- May 22nd
Due to immaturity, peer pressure, and societal pressure, teens who find themselves in romantic relationships often end up with significant emotional issues. Therefore, the students at Grace Academy are not encouraged to pursue romantic relationships with other students at the school. Any committed relationships, whether within or outside of our school setting, should be supported by the parents of both individuals and not disruptive to the student body.
Grace Academy is a non-denominational Christian school that reaches out to the northern Colorado area. It is not our intent to impose our doctrinal beliefs on the families enrolled, but we do have a Biblical worldview and teach subjects accordingly. Our perspective regarding the Scriptures is available below to download. You may also review a summary of our core values with the link below. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding enrollment.
School Address: 320 West Trilby Rd., Ft Collins, CO 80525
Mailing Address: 419 Starling St., Ft. Collins, CO 80526 Phone: (970) 691-5210 Email:
Full-Time School Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:50 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
Students who are involved in other programs, especially sports, are allowed to leave school early to attend those activities. We also accommodate family work schedules, if possible, to allow for early arrivals and late pick-ups.
You may review our enrollment information below. These forms are as a reference only. We will provide applications to each family after an initial interview is completed.
Copyright © 2018 Grace Academy - Education for Life